This is a free tool that uses Twitter’s undocumented username availability checking API to verify the availability of a large list of Twitter usernames.

To use, create two files: input.txt and proxy.txt. The former should contain a list of usernames, one per line, that you want to check, while the latter should contain a list of proxies, one per line. Actions are logged to the console (visible window so you can see what is going on) and the list of available usernames are saved to output.txt.

The program is designed to check one username per proxy every five seconds: safe limits to keep the program running without worrying about limitations. Although not recommended, because the source is included, this number can quickly be modified by those with basic programming knowledge.

A visual of the program in action is available here (refresh a few times if it doesn’t load), while the program can be downloaded here. For this program to function properly, need the latest version of the Microsoft .NET framework.

Those who act quickly can take advantage of this free data from Majestic (reuploaded, Majestic 404) to find juicy Twitter accounts that are available for registration. This list is from 2012 and sorted by Majestic metrics, meaning the users in the list have had enough time to change their usernames, leaving powerful usernames available to register.

This tool was created because using software like Gscraper and Scrapebox is inefficient and inaccurate. The abovementioned softwares request a whole page to get the status code, and often times are timed out and return an empty (–) response, leaving you with no idea if the username is available or not. Additionally, using those softwares to check for 404s returns inaccurate results, as usernames that return as 404s are not necessarily ones that are available to register (such as banned accounts, reserved usernames [BritishMonarchy, for example], and URLs that don’t exist, but are not usernames available to register).

This tool is light years faster and not even comparable in terms of accuracy to the above mentioned solutions.

Oh, and it’s free. 😉